Your donation helps feed community members, veterans, and those in need. Become a hero in the community today.

Or, to sign up as an official donor with advertising perks and more, select a package below and provide your business name and/or personal information at checkout!

Red Donor


Red Donor


-Advertising at all Stiggs Feed a Friend Events

-Priority to all Stiggs and Stiggs Feed a Friend Events

Gold Donor


Gold Donor


-Large advertising recognition during all Stiggs Feed a Friend events

-Priorty for all Stiggs and Stiggs Feed a Friend Events

-Exclusive upgrades at events (when applicable)

Platinum Donor


Platinum Donor


-Premium advertisement at all Stiggs Feed a Friend Events

-First priority at all Stiggs and Stiggs Feed a Friend Events

-First priority upgrades at events 



Brian Springett is a dear friend who runs the non profit MDA. brian has helped us achieve numerous goals and has driven hours to support and volunteer for every event for us. Thank you Brian!